Friday 18 February 2011

For information

"Mankind in the Universe” is a new interdisciplinary, cross-College course where we examine our place in the Universe – or more crucially, how we can objectively look at our place in the Universe and how we interact with what is around us.  In the first couple of weeks we have looked at the historical development of two “models” in physical science – “Models of the Solar System” and “Models of the Atom”, loosely speaking.   The students were then given the task of writing (in pairs) a very quick essay on a topic related to the lecture, and as such the essays in this blog are the student’s work, unedited and anonymised.  

As well as learning more about the topic, part of the aim of the exercise was to deliver something very quickly (they had less than two hours) and also to learn to assess work (the class are going to mark each other’s essays).  There are 3 blogs – “Solar System”, “Atoms”, and “Further essays” (the latter for those that could not attend the class).
We hope you enjoy them.